All items are carefully packaged and shipped through the United States Postal Service with tracking information. Shipping rates vary per item and have been calculated by weight with the United States Postal Service's listed rates.
Items are shipped every Tuesday and Friday each week. Domestic shipments are sent Priority Mail and take 2-4 business days.
International shipments are sent First Class and take around 5-20 business days (and in rare cases can sometimes take up to a month). If you'd like a speedier delivery please let us know beforehand and we can make arrangements.
Disclosure: MEEK is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. If you would like to purchase insurance please let us know so we can send you an invoice for the additional fee. By placing an order with MEEK, you are responsible for all shipping fees, all applicable customs and import fees, and return shipping to MEEK in the case of a return or exchange. This also applies to any deliveries refused or uncollected by you at time of delivery.